
The Imagination of Art——Learn Chinese with Artists : Lu Yuanzheng

Learn Chinese Some kind Degree


The video series focuses traditional Chinese aesthetics and the reflection on contemporary culture. Centering on both Chinese language and arts, the videos select multiple art pieces of artists of Central Academy of Fine Arts, including Wu Jian’an, Kang Lei, Lu Zhengyuan and Zhang Fan. It is composed of two parts, while the part about the appreciation of art works is called the Imagination of Art and the other focusing on languages is titled Learning Chinese with Artists. By interpreting the artists’ thoughts on the work of art, the videos demonstrate the charm of both art and the Chinese language.

The Imagination of Art : Kang Lei
Learn Chinese with Artists : Kang Lei
The Imagination of Art : Lu Yuanzheng
Learn Chinese with Artists : Lu Yuanzheng
The Imagination of Art : Wu Jianan
Learn Chinese with Artists : Wu Jianan
The Imagination of Art : Zhang Fan
Learn Chinese with Artists : Zhang Fan

"Chinese +" Online Culture Exhibition